Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Show In Acworth, GA

Tonight we drove in separate vehicles to Acworth, GA to play with Full-Chin (Japan), Osceola (everywhere, USA), and I Create (local) in Christian's basement. Some of the people there were stoked because they used to see Life is a Fight, Jake's former band. All of us thoroughly enjoyed talking to members of Osceola, as well as listening to them rip up the basement. Those dudes have serious chops--I hope that we can play with them again sometime in the future.

I'm not sure if people enjoyed our set or not, but we certainly had an awesome time. Good eats and laughs at Waffle House (ha) after the show.

Jake informed us the other day that he won't be continuing with Nationale after the upcoming tour. I can't even count how many times I've said to both Matt and Carrie, "I love Jake." I really do. Sad bastard alert: I won't forget being at the counter of Waffle House in front of some tired looking, mustachioed Waitress listening to Jake sing "If you don't know me by now" and "Nothing Compares 2 You" by Sinead 'O Connor. Even if we were just making fun of each other. I hope Jake can take away something from his short stint with us. It's weird to think about him already playing a farewell show soon.

We look ahead to the August 5th show at Caledonia with Hawks and Chopper and the tour.

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